Semester sa skončil, skúškové obdobie v plnom prúde. Ale nedá sa stále učiť, však? A tak sme si ako oddych od školy vybrali výlet na asi najznámejšie miesto v širokom okolí, Trolltungu
The semester is over, exam period is underway. But it’s impossible to study all the time, right? And so, as a break from school, we chose a trip to probably the most famous place around, the Troltunga.
Okrem Dady s nami išiel aj jej kamarát Emil. Ten z Bratislavy doniesol snežnice a paličky, ktoré sme na túre veľmi ocenili. Inšpirovaní z nášho posledného výletu na Preikestolen sme si aj teraz požičali elektromobil cez Táto stránka umožňuje ľuďom požičať si auto od iných ľudí a nie z požičovne. Je to lacnejšie a nie som si istý, či vôbec požičovne elektromobily požičiavajú… No a jazda elektromobilom má niekoľko výhod. Po prvé, je to zážitok. Teda pre tých, ktorí na to nie sú zvyknutí. Auto je úplne tiché, to že je naštartované spoznáte len podľa toho, že idú ventilátory. A aj malé mestské autá sú prekvapivo silné! Po druhé, ušetríte celkom dosť peňazí. Benzín je v Nórsku dosť drahý. Za dobitie auta na 100km zaplatíte približne 6€. Ďalej, elektromobily neplatia poplatky za cesty a platia menej, alebo dokonca neplatia vôbec za trajekty, ktorým sa niekedy jednoducho nevyhnete. Bohužiaľ, má to aj svoje ALE. Treba počítať s tým, že mestské elektromobily majú dojazd len niečo okolo 100 – 150km. Takže si treba naplánovať, kde na ceste auto dobijete. Taktiež, dobíjanie niečo trvá. Nám sa viac osvedčil e-Golf, ktorý sa nabije asi za 20-30 minút. Nisanu Leaf, ktorý sme mali požičaný na Trolltungu, to trvalo trochu dlhšie (okolo 50 minút).
Besides Daniela, also her friend Emil joined us. He brought snow shoes and hiking sticks for us from Bratislava, which we really appreciated on the hike. Inspired by our last trip to Preikestolen, we rented an electric car again via This web page allows you to rent a car from another person, and not from a renting company. It is cheaper, and I don’t even know if it is possible to rent an electric car from a company… And driving an electric car has several advantages. First, it is an adventure. I mean for those who are not used to it. The car is completely silent – the fact that the engine is on is only detectible by the sound of the fan. And even small city cars are surprisingly powerful! Second, you can save quite a lot of money. Fuel is really expensive in Norway. But you can pay around 6€ to recharge a car for 100km. Next, electric cars do not pay tolls and they pay less, or even nothing for ferries, which you just can’t avoid sometimes. Unfortunately, there is a BUT. You have to think of the fact that these cars have a smaller range, which is approximately 100-150km. So you have to plan in advance where are you going to charge your car. Also, recharging takes time. We liked the e-Golf more, which recharged in 20-30 minutes, while the Nissan Leaf, which we rented for Trolltunga, was a bit slower (it took around 50 minutes).
Tento výlet má na svojom zozname mnoho študentov z Bergenu. Mnohí to robia tak, že skoro ráno vyrazia a neskoro večer sa vrátia. Táto možnosť sa nám ale moc nepozdávala, keďže je to dosť náročné. Jazda trvá asi 3-4 hodiny, túra v snehu aspoň 10 a potom unavený šoférovať naspäť, no nič moc… My sme si povedali, že tam hore prespíme! Z intrákov sme vyrazili v pohodičke okolo pol desiatej a okolo pol tretej sme už šliapali hore.
This trip is on the bucket list of many students from Bergen. A lot of them are doing it by starting early in the morning and coming back late in the evening. We didn’t like this option too much as it is quite demanding. The drive there takes around 3-4 hours, the hike in the snow takes at least 10 hours, and then the drive back, tired, not nice… We decided to sleep up there! We hit the road at half past nine from our school residence in total chill and we were already on our way up to Trolltunga at half past two.
Nabalení sme boli riadne, stan, spacáky, snežnice, paličky, varič, jedlo, voda… Začiatok túry je dosť prudký, takže tam sme tento náklad celkom cítili. S pribúdajúcou nadmorskou výškou pribúdal aj sneh, takže po necelých dvoch kilometroch sme už obúvali snežnice. Po asi troch kilometroch stúpania sme sa dostali na horskú plošinu, a potom to už bolo v pohode, len jemne hore-dolu.
We have packed a lot of stuff, like a tent, sleeping bags, snow shoes, hiking sticks, camping stove, food, water… The beginning of the hike was pretty steep, so we truly felt the baggage. With the growing altitude also rose the amount of snow, so we put on our snow shoes in less than two kilometers. After three kilometers of ascending we got to a plateau, and after that, it was only slightly up-and-down.
Snehu bolo veľa, bol mokrý a ťažký. Počasie nám ale prialo, slniečko krásne hrialo a presvedčil som sa o tom, že aj v Nórsku sa dá spáliť. Turistov nebolo veľa, keďže ešte nie je hlavná sezóna. Mnohí z nich boli so sprievodcami, ktorí sa v tomto období odporúčajú. Neviem, či to náhodou bez sprievodcu nie je tak trochu zakázané. V každom prípade, my sme ho so sebou nemali… 😀
There was a lot of snow and it was wet and heavy. Luckily, the weather was in our favor, the sun was shining nicely, and I assured myself that it was possible to get sun-burned even in Norway. There were not many tourists because it was not the main season yet. Most of them were there with guides who are recommended in this season. I am not sure if it isn’t quite forbidden to do it without a guide. Anyways, we didn’t have one… 😀
Ak sa vyberiete na Trolltungu v takomto období, prosím, nepodceňte to. Je to dlhá túra (11km tam a 11 naspäť) s prevýšením 800m. Preto treba vyrážať zavčasu. Zvoľte si vhodnú obuv. Videli sme tam mnohých „turistov“ len v teniskách! Treba mať turistické topánky, nepremokavé, a ak je veľa snehu, snežnice a paličky sa zídu tiež. Ďalej, treba mať dosť vody. Počas túry totiž nie je moc miest, na ktorých sa dá voda doplniť. No a ak to všetko zvládnete, môžete si užiť nádhernú, ničím nerušenú túru.
If you want to go to Trolltunga at this time, please don’t underestimate it. It is a long trek (11 kilometers there and 11 back) with an elevation of 800m. That’s why it is worth taking off early. Choose proper shoes. We saw many “tourists” only in sneakers! You need to have water-proof hiking boots, and if there is a lot of snow, snow shoes and hiking sticks might be worth considering. Next, you need to have enough water. There are not many places to refill your bottle during the trek. If you can manage all these things, you will enjoy an amazing hike.
Cesta hore nám trvala asi šesť a pol hodiny. Bolo síce už deväť hodín, ale do západu slnka sme mali ešte celú hodinu, takže sme mali čas na fotenie a obdivovanie tej nádhery.
The way up took us around six and a half hours. It was already nine o’clock, but we still had a whole hour til’ sunset, so we had enough time to take pictures and wondering around.
Plní dojmov sme potom začali hľadať miesto na stan. Hore sme neboli sami, okrem nás tam bol jeden fotograf a skupinka asi 8 ľudí. Keď sme prechádzali okolo ich stanu, začul som nejaké známe hlasy. A skutočne, bola to partia erazmákov z našej školy 😀 Aký je ten svet malý. Našli sme si pekné miesto na stan, malé mláčky sme vyukladali plochými kameňmi.
Filled with emotions, we started to search for a spot for our tent. We weren’t alone up there, besides us was also one photographer and a group of approximately 8 people. When we were passing by their tent, I overheard some familiar voices. And really, it was a group of our friends, other Erasmus students from our school 😀 How small the world is. We found a nice place for our tent and covered small water holes with flat rocks.
Ako som spomínal, brali sme so sebou aj varič. Keď to Dada pôvodne navrhla, tak som bol dosť proti. Vláčiť varič na takú túru, komu sa to chce. Nemáme už tak dosť vecí? No ale keď sme si takí unavení dali teplú polievku a potom ešte aj palacinky, všetky moje pôvodné argumenty stratili význam…
As I already mentioned, we carried a camp stove with us. When Daniela first suggested the idea, I was against it. To haul that stove for such a hike, who wants to do that. Don’t we have enough things already? But when we were tired and cooked a warm soup and pancakes, all my original arguments were meaningless.
V noci bolo okolo nuly, ale mali sme teplé spacáky a hrubé karimatky, takže sme sa vyspali celkom príjemne. No a výhľad zo stanu nebol tiež na zahodenie…
The temperature was close to zero during the night, but we had warm sleeping bags and thick sleeping mats, so we slept pretty nicely. And the view from the tent in the morning wasn’t priceless either…
Druhý deň už počasie nebolo také krásne, ale nebolo to nič hrozné. Bolo pod mrakom, takže sme sa aspoň nespálili ešte viac. Cesta dole nám trvala zhruba 4 hodinky. Dole sme nasadli do auta a fičali sme späť do Bergenu. Ešte že sme si to dali na dva dni, lebo keby som mal ja šoférovať po takej túre, určite by som zaspal za volantom…
The weather wasn’t that beautiful the next day, but it wasn’t too bad anyways. It was cloudy, so we didn’t get sun-burned even more. The way back took us 4 hours. Finally, we got into our car and drove back to Bergen. I’m glad we split the trip up to two days, because if I had to drive after such a trek, I would have definitely fallen asleep while driving.
Trolí jazyk je celkom náročná, ale krásna túra s veľkolepým finišom. Ale pozor, v lete to tam býva vraj dosť preľudnené a na fotku na skale sa čaká niekedy aj viac ako hodinu. Ďakujem Dade a Emilovi za super výlet a Buggovi, Robovi, Fonzymu, Tobiasovi a Kačke za technickú podporu 🙂
Trolls tongue, while quite demanding, is an amazing tour with an astonishing finish. But be careful, it can get pretty crowdy in the summer, and you could sometimes wait for a picture on the rock for even more than an hour. Thanks to Daniela and Emil for a great trip and to Buggo, Robo, Fonzy, Tobias and Kačka for their technical support 🙂